"I thank God for Community Church. I am truly grateful for the community of faith that we continue to build and strengthen. What an amazing blessing it was to add the energy and faithfulness of our new Holy Cross members this year! "
To read more from Colleen Sellers DeLorenzo, Campaign Chair, click here.

Making a 2025 Gift/Pledge
Gift/pledge payments may be made in a lump sum or in periodic payments during the year.
Pledge/Gift for 2025: To make a pledge or gift to the 2025 Giving Campaign, please fill out the confidential 2025 Giving Campaign form.
Credit Card/Online Giving: One-time or recurring credit card payments may be set up by filling out the Giving Form. This is a great way to accumulate miles or points.
Automatic withdrawals: Payments may be set up as a recurring debit order through your bank. This is just like writing a check but it is done automatically for you each month. You can also set this up through the Giving Form by selecting ACH Bank Transfer, and Pledge.
Checks: may be placed in the collection plate during Sunday Worship or mailed directly to the Church Office (200 Hartshorn Drive, Short Hills, NJ 07078).
Text: Text the word "GIVE" to (973) 370-8817 and follow the prompts.
Venmo: @communitychurchshorthills