Faith & Beliefs

We are a welcoming home for all those who wish to worship Jesus.
We are an inclusive community not only in word but in deed.
We value the involvement of women in our governance.
We embrace all members of the LGBTQ+ community and the gifts they bring.
We support families in all their many forms, individuals of any age and children
who are looking for a church that exemplifies the true meaning of a Christian community.
About Community Congregational Church
We mean it when we say, “Everyone is welcome,” since both women and men participate as leaders, and all people are included regardless of their sexual orientation. We mean it when we say, “We teach God’s Word,” as we encourage you to grow in your own faithful understanding of it. We mean it when we say, “We offer uplifting Worship” with music that reflects varying stylistic tastes because we value a worship experience with something for everyone.
What makes Community Congregational Church unique?
We are inspired by Jesus to be welcoming in the same unconditional way that God loves, receives, and forgives each of us. We are committed to inclusivity, and we believe that Christ's example can help us be more authentic, compassionate, and purposeful.
What is a Congregational Church?
The term refers to the way the congregation is managed, which is also known as church polity. The term says everything about how the church is run, namely by the members of the congregation. At congregational meetings, members transact all the business of the church in an autonomous manner, free from external ecclesiastical control.
What is the origin of Congregationalism?
North American Congregationalism started in New England with the Puritans and Pilgrims of the 1620s, where Congregational churches are still prevalent today.
What is the faith of this Church?
As a Protestant church, we aim to bring people together in the name of Christ and to create a community in terms of Christ’s Spirit through worship, education, fellowship and outreach. Our members come from all denominations and grow individually in their pursuit to develop a personal understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith.
How do I get to know the character of the congregation?
Try our weekly family worship! You will meet other people and get to know the style of worship and music that characterizes it.