Thank you!
Your financial gifts are vital to support the ministry of Community Congregational Church.
Gifts may be made by credit card, text, bank transfer, or check.
Credit Card: Using the secure form below, fill the amount you would like to give, choose whether this a pledge or non-pledge gift, assign the frequency, and choose "by credit/debit" from the options. After clicking "Continue," fill out your information. Please note that the church incurs a fee for each online transaction. You may opt to cover the fee by checking the box below your information.
Text: Text the word "GIVE" to (973) 370-8817 and follow the prompts.
Bank Transfer: Using the secure form below, fill the amount you would like to give, choose whether this a pledge or non-pledge gift, assign the frequency, and select "by ACH Bank Transfer" from the options. Click "Continue" and fill out your information. Please note that the church incurs a fee for each online transaction. You may opt to cover the fee by checking the box below your information.
Check: Checks should be made out to "Community Congregational Church" and may be placed in the offering plate on Sunday mornings, or mailed directly to the Church Office at 200 Hartshorn Drive, Short Hills, NJ 07078.
To obtain the tax form for donated items, please click here.
If you need assistance with your online donation, or have any other questions about making a gift,
please contact our Financial Director, Linda Langstaff, at Linda@CommunityChurch.org or call 973-379-5600, x10.