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"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."

Matthew 18:20

Sunday Worship takes place at 10:30am each week. Below is the most recent Sunday worship messages (published after Sundays) and it's available to you anytime you'd like to watch here or on our YouTube Channel under, Community Church, Short Hills, NJ.

If you would like to watch any of our past messages, please click here.


We would love to be in prayer with you. If you have a prayer request or would like to be in touch with one of our pastors, please contact us - we would love to hear from you so that we can support you on your faith journey. Email us at here.

If you are moved to contribute to our ministry, please click here. Thank you for your support!

Let's Worship God!


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March 2

Sunday Worship 

This past  Sunday as we worshipped together, 

we learned the difference between the transactional nature of our society vs, the transformational work of God. 


Watch below!

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February 9

Sunday Worship 

This past  Sunday as we worshipped together, we explored how the faithfulness of God

can strengthen us in turbulent times and we can be strong and courageous in God. 


Watch below!

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February 23

Sunday Worship 

This past  Sunday as we worshipped together, 

We learned about the gift of forgiveness and the blessing it can bring us.


Watch below!

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February 2

Sunday Worship 

This past  Sunday as we worshipped together, we remembered that love is the default way of being and acting as members of the body of Christ.  It is not optional, but essential for the wellbeing of ourselves, neighbors and world. 


Watch below!

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February 16

Sunday Worship 

This past  Sunday as we worshipped together, We understood how Christ prepares us to deal with changing times and be a partof God's healing work. 


Watch below!

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January 26

Sunday Worship 

This past  Sunday as we worshipped together we contemplated that everyone, no matter their role, is essential for our community and that we need to pay attention to make sure that those who do the jobs we don't like to do are clothed with honor as well. 

Watch below!



Click below for more on our YouTube channel 


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November 3, 2024

Discussion Forum

Learn about the ways in which you can be prepared for the passing of a loved one - and also prepare so that your final farewell reflects your personal wishes.

Watch below for more!

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October 22, 2023

Discussion Forum

Will you know when it is time to go... from your home... to a senior living retirement community? Watch as Johann goes over the planning stages and details in taking the next step should that time come.

Watch below for more!

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